Building and construction trade licences are issued by the Building Services Board in Western Australia.
Only registered builders with a building permit may carry out building work totalling $20,000 or more, according to the Builder’s Registration Act of 2011. A licenced builder must also carry a building permit to do building work, such as concreting to the same value.
Concreting is covered under the building licence in Western Australia, and concreters have access to two types of licences. Registered builders must have one or both:
Building Practitioner Licence – This allows the practitioner to carry out building work, or to act as a nominated building supervisor. Building Contractor Licence – This allows the individual to enter into contracts, appoint nominated supervisors and hire subcontractors. Under the building contractor licenses, are three sub-licences, namely:
An applicant who wishes to qualify for a Western Australian trade licence for concreters must possess a nationally recognised qualification, such as the Certificate III in Concreting CPC30313, which demonstrates their general concreting skills, including:
To apply for registration as a building practitioner and obtaining a concreting licence in Western Australia, follow these simple steps:
To apply for registration as a building contractor and obtaining a concreting licence in Western Australia, follow these simple steps:
Fill out this form and we will contact you.
The links below will let you know which qualification you will need to get your licence. Alternatively, fill out the GET IN TOUCH form or
call 1300 535 922 and one of our specialists will help you get qualified
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